Facebook $900 Threshold Method: The Latest Update Need to Know For Every Digital Marketers

Facebook advertising can be an effective way to reach new customers and grow your business. However, it can also be expensive, especially if you’re not careful with your budget. That’s why Facebook recently introduced a new feature called the $900 Threshold Method. In this blog post, we’ll explore what this new feature is, how it works, and why you should consider using it for your next ad campaign.

Facebook Ads For Growing your Business

What is the $900 Threshold Method?

The $900 Threshold Method is a new feature on Facebook that allows you to set a budget for your ad campaign, with the option to pay for your ads as they run instead of prepaying for them. With this method, you can set a budget of $900 or more, and Facebook will automatically charge your account as your ads run, up to your budget limit.

How does it work?

Facebook Ads

To use the $900 Threshold Method, you’ll need to follow these steps:

  1. Set up your ad campaign as you normally would, including your ad creative, targeting options, and budget.
  2. Choose the $900 Threshold Method as your payment option.
  3. Start running your ads, and Facebook will automatically charge your account as your ads run, up to your budget limit.

Why should you consider using the $900 Threshold Method?

Facebook Ads Launching

There are several reasons why you might want to consider using the $900 Threshold Method for your next ad campaign:

  1. Flexibility: With the $900 Threshold Method, you can set a budget for your ad campaign without having to prepay for your ads. This gives you more flexibility to adjust your budget as needed, based on the performance of your ads.
  2. Cost-effectiveness: By paying for your ads as they run, you can potentially save money compared to prepaying for your ads. This is because you’ll only be charged for the ads that actually run, instead of paying upfront for ads that may not perform as well.
  3. Convenience: The $900 Threshold Method makes it easier to manage your ad campaign, as you don’t need to worry about manually paying for your ads or tracking your account balance.


The $900 Threshold Method is a new feature on Facebook that can help you manage your ad campaign budget more effectively. By allowing you to pay for your ads as they run, you can potentially save money and have more flexibility to adjust your budget as needed. If you’re planning a new ad campaign on Facebook, consider using the $900 Threshold Method to make the most of your advertising budget.

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